Zahra is fourteen months old. She has just arrived in Brussels from Somalia after two months on the road with her mother, her older brother who is 4, and her older sister who is 6. They want to ask for asylum in Belgium. But the offices are already closed and the beds in the emergency …
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FR – Pendant que nous travaillons sur notre site web, faites connaître notre campagne !Vous pouvez également nous trouver sur Facebook EN – While we work on our website spread the word about our campaign!You can also find us on Facebook NL – Terwijl we aan onze website werken, de boodschap over onze campagne verspreiden!U …
FR – Pendant que nous travaillons sur notre site web, faites connaître notre campagne !Vous pouvez également nous trouver sur Facebook EN – While we work on our website spread the word about our campaign!You can also find us on Facebook NL – Terwijl we aan onze website werken, de boodschap over onze …